The State Oceanic Administration has reported an increase in the density of inorganic nitrogen in waters near Dongjiang Port District. But the administration said inorganic nitrogen is not toxic, and for now, is unlikely to affect the maritime environment. [Special coverage]
PH levels, dissolved oxygen, sulfide, organic carbon levels are all reported as normal. Cyanide has not been detected in surrounding waters.
An emergency pollution response team is on 24-hour watch for any hazardous chemical leakage. The team says their job is complicated by a number of factors.
"The biggest problem for us is that we don't know when the pollution will take place... and ONCE it takes place, the chemical composite of the pollutants. Hazardous chemical pollution accidents like this are different from oil spills - some chemicals are denser than water, some less, some soluble in water, some react with water. For us, this mission is very difficult," said Zhu Guoxin, Tianjin Maritime Safety Administration.