Most Weibo users sympathized with the monkey, although a few questioned why He didn't save it.
A Weibo user named qindu said: "I feel heartache", with 37 supporters, another user tongtong commented: "Please save the monkey king as soon as possible, since there are 40 or so monkeys needing its protection", while some others are concerned about whether the monkey was saved, as a Weibo user named 111 asked: "Is there any follow-up?"
"We haven't found the injured monkey," said a source from the administrative committee of Mount Emei, who declined to give his name.
Authorities have three plans to catch the monkey for treatment: adding sleeping pills to drinking water, using a net gun and even an anesthetic rifle. After catching it, they will treat it by untying the cord and bind up the wound.
It's hard to get close to an injured monkey, and the rescue should be carried out by professionals since the monkey might become violent and hurt people if tourists try to help it out of kindness, according to animal experts.
The search and rescue is likely to take several days, while Internet users are invited to provide suggestions for other rescue methods by calling 0833-5098074.