
Full text: G20 Leaders' Communique, Hangzhou Summit(6)

2016-09-07 09:54Xinhua Editor: Mo Hong'e ECNS App Download

Further Significant Global Challenges Affecting the World Economy

42. The outcome of the referendum on the UK's membership of the EU adds to the uncertainty in the global economy. Members of the G20 are well positioned to proactively address the potential economic and financial consequences stemming from the referendum. In the future, we hope to see the UK as a close partner of the EU.

43. We reiterate our commitment to sustainable development and strong and effective support and actions to address climate change. We commit to complete our respective domestic procedures in order to join the Paris Agreement as soon as our national procedures allow. We welcome those G20 members who joined the Agreement and efforts to enable the Paris Agreement to enter into force by the end of 2016 and look forward to its timely implementation with all its aspects. We affirm the importance of fulfilling the UNFCCC commitment by developed countries in providing means of implementation including financial resources to assist developing countries with respect to both mitigation and adaptation actions in line with Paris outcomes. We reaffirm the importance of the support provided by the Green Climate Fund. We welcome the G20 Climate Finance Study Group report on "Promoting Efficient and Transparent Provision and Mobilization of Climate Finance to Enhance Ambition of Mitigation and Adaptation Actions". We look forward to successful outcomes in related multilateral fora, including the Montreal Protocol and the International Civil Aviation Organization.

44. Worldwide massive forced displacement of people, unprecedented since the Second World War, especially those generated from violent conflicts, is a global concern. We reiterate our call in Antalya for global concerted efforts in addressing the effects, protection need and root causes of refugee crisis to share in the burden associated with it. We call for strengthening humanitarian assistance for refugees and refugee resettlement, and we invite all states, according to their individual capacity, to scale up assistance to relevant international organizations in order to enhance their capabilities to assist affected countries, intensifying efforts to find durable solutions, in particular for protracted refugee situations, and in this regard, strengthening the contribution of development assistance to host communities. We support the international efforts to respond to the ongoing crisis and note the upcoming high-level meetings which will take place during the UN General Assembly. We note the World Bank's effort to work with other international organizations and its shareholders to develop a global crisis response platform to provide support to refugees and host communities in both low and middle income countries. The G20 will continue to address forced displacement in 2017 with a view to developing concrete actions. The G20 will also examine migration issues in 2017.

45. We strongly condemn terrorism in all forms and manifestations, which poses serious challenges to international peace and security and endangers our ongoing efforts to strengthen the global economy and ensure sustainable growth and development. We reaffirm our solidarity and resolve in the fight against terrorism in all its forms and wherever it occurs. We will tackle all sources, techniques and channels of terrorist financing, including extortion, taxation, smuggling of natural resources, bank looting, looting of cultural property, external donation, and kidnapping for ransom. In confronting terrorism, we remain committed to effectively exchanging information, freezing terrorist assets, and criminalizing terrorist financing. We call for the swift, effective and universal implementation of the FATF standards and of the provisions of the UN Security Council resolution 2253 worldwide. We welcome the progress achieved by the FATF in the implementation of its new Consolidated Strategy on Combating Terrorist Financing and call for effective implementation of its operational plan. We call on the FATF to reflect by March 2017 on ways to progress in strengthening its traction capacity and enhanced effectiveness of the network of FATF and FATF-style regional bodies.

46. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a serious threat to public health, growth and global economic stability. We affirm the need to explore in an inclusive manner to fight antimicrobial resistance by developing evidence-based ways to prevent and mitigate resistance, and unlock research and development into new and existing antimicrobials from a G20 value-added perspective, and call on the WHO, FAO, OIE and OECD to collectively report back in 2017 on options to address this including the economic aspects. In this context, we will promote prudent use of antibiotics and take into consideration huge challenges of affordability and access of antimicrobials and their impact on public health. We strongly support the work of the WHO, FAO and the OIE and look forward to a successful high-level meeting on AMR during the UN General Assembly. We look forward to the discussion under the upcoming presidency for dealing with these issues.

47. We reaffirm that the G20's founding spirit is to bring together the major economies on an equal footing to catalyze action. Once we agree, we will deliver.

48. We thank China for hosting a successful Hangzhou Summit and its contribution to the G20 process, and look forward to meeting again in Germany in 2017 and in Argentina in 2018.


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