Professor Aaron Ciechanover addresses students from ECNU in Shanghai. (Photo: CGTN/ ECNU)
Nobel Prize for Chemistry laureate Aaron Ciechanover is confident that the cure for many types of cancer can be discovered, thanks to the progress of research on genes and personalized treatments.
During a long distance internet lecture for Chinese and Israeli students, Ciechanover told the room of 25 students from the Eastern China Normal University (ECNU) in Shanghai that it took merely a century to extend the average life-span for humans from around 50 to 80 years old. With the rapidly deepening understanding of the human body, he said it would be soon for man to "not just treat a disease, but to treat a disease within a person's own individual body framework".
Ciechanover's lecture on May 23rd was delivered thanks to joint efforts by the Israeli Consulate General in Shanghai, ECNU and Haifa University in Israel. It was held as part of a series of events to celebrate the 25th anniversary of formal diplomatic relations between China and Israel.
During the 25-minute lecture, professor Ciechanover answered questions from students from both China and Israel, encouraging them to pursue their life passion.