
China's logistics sector sees steady growth in first five months

2022-06-28 13:05:12Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's logistics sector reported steady growth in the first five months of 2022, an industry report showed Tuesday.

Social logistics rose 3 percent year on year in the first five months to 128.8 trillion yuan (about 19.24 trillion U.S. dollars), said the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing in a report.

On a monthly basis, the growth rate edged up 0.5 percent in May, compared with a decline of 3 percent in April.

Since May, the epidemic situation has improved with the order of production and life being gradually restored. Overall, logistics demand has maintained expansion and the growth rate has slightly increased, said the report.

The logistics of the industrial product sector rose 3.3 percent year on year from January to May, according to the report. 


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