
CPIA emphasizes protecting rights of related companies after incident in Germany

2023-06-13 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A screenshot from China Photovoltaic Industry Association's official website. (Photo/

The senior executive of a Chinese PV enterprise, who was taken away by local authorities while preparing to attend a solar technology exhibition in Germany on Monday, is back in their hotel after assisting in an investigation, said China Photovoltaic Industry Association on Tuesday in a statement.

The incident happened on Monday after PV executives flew to Germany to participate in Intersolar Europe, the world's largest solar technology exhibition, which will take place in Munich from Wednesday to Friday.

The association is paying high attention to the incident and will firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese photovoltaic companies, it said.

It also reminds enterprises to pay attention to comply with local laws and regulations and remind companies to contact the local embassy or the association in case of emergency.


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