
Daxing airport expands international routes, preps for summer peak

2023-07-12 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

An Air China plane takes off from Beijing Daxing International Airport. (Photo by Zou Hong/

Beijing Daxing International Airport plans to open and resume 15 international routes during the summer to meet passengers' needs.

The airport will add or resume nine international routes this month, including to and from Nagoya of Japan, Jeju of South Korea and Bangkok of Thailand.

At the moment, about 8,000 international daily trips are handled at the airport.

"The peak day for international passenger trips during the summer should fall next week. The airport expects to handle 10,000 international trips on the peak day," said Li Ziwei, manager of the airport's aviation department.

Since China downgraded its COVID-19 management measures in January, Li has seen an increasing number of passengers at the airport's international terminal.

"I am very pleased to see the airport has become crowded again," she added.

A total of 20 airlines operate international flights at the airport.

Last month, the number of international passengers at the airport was more than 190,000 — up 40 percent from May — said Yu Lei, an officer at the border inspection at the airport. That figure marked a new record this year.

More international passengers are expected to leave and enter China via the airport during the summer, he added.

Over the season, the airport is expected to break its own record by handling 55,400 domestic and international flights with 7.9 million passenger trips.

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