
Report: Logistic enterprises satisfied with business environment

2023-08-17 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Most of surveyed logistics enterprises believe that business environment in China has improved and are optimistic about their performance this year, said a research report released by China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing on Monday.

"This result can be interpreted to a series of policies in helping businesses run smoother and that have been recognized by most of the enterprises," said He Dengcai, vice-president of the CFLP.

Some 30 percent of surveyed enterprises think that the national logistics business environment has been significantly improved in 2023, and about 40 percent of enterprises believe that the national logistics business environment has improved, according to the report.

The surveyed enterprises maintain a cautious and optimistic attitude towards the overall expected revenue scale for this year. About 37.96 percent of enterprises believe that the annual revenue scale this year will increase to varying degrees and 37.44 percent of them believe that the annual revenue scale will be roughly the same as last year.

44.28 percent of the enterprises are confident of completing the developing goals, 43.76 percent of enterprises maintain a wait-and-see attitude toward completing their own tasks this year, and a small number of enterprises showed slightly less confident.

11.92 percent of enterprises saw their business grow over 20 percent and more than 51 percent of enterprises saw different degree of improvements in their operating conditions

Looking at different business fields, enterprises engaged in waterway freight, air freight, express and other business fields gave high evaluations.


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