
China plans recycling system for wind turbines, solar panels

2023-08-18 11:06:26China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Wind turbines in Zhoushan, Zhejiang province, slowly turn with the help of sea breezes and generate green electricity for places across the country on July 2. (YAO FENG/FOR CHINA DAILY)

China will set up a recycling system for ageing wind turbines and solar panels, drawing up new industrial standards and rules to decommission, dismantle and recycle wind and solar facilities, the National Development and Reform Commission said on Thursday.

China, the world's biggest renewable equipment manufacturer, has been developing its new energy industry rapidly in recent years, with a large-scale application of new energy equipment. As the industry accelerates its upgrade, the new energy equipment will face the issue of large-scale retirement, it said.

To cope with the challenge, China will introduce a set of technical standards and policies for the wind and solar industries to recycle their decommissioned equipment, it said.

The commission said China would have a basically mature recycling system for wind turbines and solar panels by the end of 2030.


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