
China's Minister of Commerce meets with Tim Cook

2023-10-19 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao meets with Apple's CEO Tim Cook in Beijing on Oct 18.(Photo/

China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao met with Apple's CEO Tim Cook in Beijing on Wednesday, according to a statement by the Ministry of Commerce.

They discussed Apple's development in China and also the Sino-US trade relationship, the statement said.

China will firmly promote high-level opening up and continue to expand market access, the ministry statement quoted Wang as saying, adding that China welcomes multinational companies including Apple to achieve win-win development.

Cook said that Apple values the achievements made in its 30 year development in China and supports the governments of the United States and China in strengthening communication and dialogue, maintaining and developing stable bilateral economic and trade relations, and creating a favorable environment for practical cooperation between enterprises.


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