
New solar project in operation

2024-02-08 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A new 100 MW photovoltaic project has recently been carried out in Caoyi village of Dezhou, East China's Shandong province, giving a fresh impetus to local economic development.

The project promotes a green fishery development model of "raising fish in the water, generating electricity above the water", said State Grid's Dezhou Power Supply Company, a main contributor to the project.

The company said it also helps with local lobster farming and lotus planting industries by providing a stable power supply and developing low-carbon energy sources.

Cooperating with the local government, the company has so far revived more than 1,000 idle ponds and improved the livelihoods of nearly 68,600 people in Caoyi village, which used to be a salt-affected wasteland, the company added.

To fully realize rural revitalization, China must continue to promote resource recycling and the green development of agriculture. It should further improve relevant policies and develop renewable energies based on local characteristics, said Yin Chengjie, former deputy minister of agriculture.

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