
China's WeRide offers driverless rides at French open

2024-06-05 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

WeRide's minibuses are seen at the Stade Roland Garros in Paris, France. (Photo provided to

Chinese autonomous driving startup WeRide is offering driverless shuttle service at the French open, in collaboration with its strategic investor French carmaker Renault and the French Tennis Federation.

A fleet of autonomous WeRide minibuses are transporting passengers including players and media representatives along a 5-km route, which takes about 12 minutes. The service is available from May 26 to June 9.

Tony Han, WeRide's founder and CEO, said, "Launching the Robobus shuttle service at Roland-Garros marks the first step in our joint effort with Renault Group to promote low-carbon public transportation with autonomous driving."

The move is also a significant milestone in WeRide's international strategy, marking its official entry into the European market.

To day, WeRide Robobus has a global presence of nearly 30 cities worldwide, as the company's flagship product and a cornerstone of its global expansion.

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