
Inbound tourism drive sparks optimistic outlook(2)

2024-06-07 08:03:24China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

'Wonderful experiences'

Bell said he would take his "wonderful experiences and feelings" back home to the UK, and encourage more Britons to visit Beijing to experience the "authentic and endearing China".

He was one of a dozen travel agency representatives from the UK whom the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism invited to join the trip. The aim of the visits was to offer firsthand information, help develop inbound tourism products for Beijing, and build a solid bridge for exchanges and cooperation between the tourism industries of the two countries, according to the bureau.

In addition to traditional scenic spots, Bell and the other UK representatives also took a nighttime boat tour along the Liangma River, and a tricycle ride through the labyrinthine hutong lanes.

Following in the footsteps of the UK visitors, more than 100 travel agency representatives from Australia, New Zealand, the US, Singapore, Italy, Germany, and Spain arrived in the capital city to attend the Beijing Inbound Tourism Development Conference. The gathering commenced on May 24 with the primary objective of fostering a platform for interaction, and enhancing collaboration between Chinese and international travel agencies.

Sima Hong, vice-mayor of Beijing, delivered a keynote address at the conference, expressing Beijing's aspirations to leverage the event to establish strong dialogue with global tourism industry experts.

The city is aiming to bolster resource-sharing, foster reciprocal visitor exchanges with international travel agencies, enhance cooperation, and facilitate knowledge exchanges to develop premium tourism routes, she said.

Sima said these initiatives would help transform the tourism landscape, enable the industry to better cater to enriching experiences, drive economic growth, and foster a deeper understanding of diverse civilizations.

These efforts will create shared opportunities in the tourism market, and ultimately help advance tourism development.

At the Beijing conference, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism awarded global strategic partner certificates to 10 travel agencies from major markets including the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia, Japan, and Singapore. Under the partnership framework, both sides will actively promote the sale of Beijing tourism products overseas, acquire timely and accurate market feedback, and formulate more targeted overseas promotion plans, the authorities said.

Additionally, the Beijing bureau will facilitate greater cooperation between the overseas partners and high-quality tourism enterprises in China.

The meeting organizers said the event was an important measure to implement the central government's instructions on tourism work.

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