
Inbound tourism drive sparks optimistic outlook(3)

2024-06-07 08:03:24China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

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Terry Dale, president of the United States Tour Operators Association, said he was encouraged by the country's good faith and determination to welcome inbound travelers.

He joined the Beijing conference after the 14th China-US Tourism Leadership Summit, which opened on May 22 in Xi'an, Shaanxi province. Nearly 400 representatives from the governments, institutions, destinations, and enterprises of the two countries gathered in Xi'an.

The summit was organized to promote the recovery and development of China-US tourism cooperation and take it to a new level, according to authorities.

Dale said the ensuing cultural and tourism tours in Beijing and Xi'an had left a deep impression on him, and he will actively promote dialogue between both countries' tourism industries to build a bridge for China-US tourism exchanges and cooperation.

He also said he believes such events will encourage US travel companies to develop more inbound tourism products for China.

Zhang Kexiong, assistant general manager of Beijing-based CTG Travel, said that after the pandemic his company arranged tours for international travelers to experience popular new destinations across the city.

He said he is confident about the prospects for the inbound tourism business, as the country has an abundance of culture and history that has already proved a hit with international visitors. "We also have fresh air, hospitable people, and travel here is safe," Zhang said.

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