
Inbound tourism drive sparks optimistic outlook

2024-06-07 08:03:24China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Last month, senior tour operator Iain Bell traveled from the United Kingdom to China at the invitation of Beijing tourism authorities to sample the capital city's cultural and historical charms.

The three-day trip was one of a large number of undertakings by central and local authorities to attract international visitors and promote the country's myriad attractions.

During his stay, Bell marveled at the grandeur of the Badaling section of the Great Wall, the Palace Museum's ancient complex and precious cultural relics, and the unique charm of the royal garden at the Summer Palace.

Bell said he was particularly impressed by his interactions with a tai chi master at the Temple of Heaven and the "magic" of the traditional Chinese martial art.

"It was so different from my understanding of the country," Bell said, adding that he found China vibrant and was impressed by the country's internal and external harmony.

The Brit also said he greatly admired Beijing's clean and orderly urban environment, adding that what touched him most was the warmth and friendliness of ordinary Chinese people he met in streets and alleys or at famous historical sites.

"It was a very rewarding trip, and I gained a new understanding and deep appreciation of Chinese culture," he said.

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