
New energy storage power station in Wuzhong enhances grid stability and clean energy transition

2024-08-15 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A 100 MW/200 MWh energy storage power station was recently put into operation in Wuzhong city in Northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region. (Photo provided to China Daily)

A 100 MW/200 MWh energy storage power station was recently put into operation and connected to the power grid in Wuzhong city in Northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region.

Equipped with 35 energy storage units, the First Lujiayao Energy Storage Power Station will not only help balance electricity supply and demand but also significantly improve the stability and reliability of the local grid.

With the power station in place, Wuzhong's clean energy transition is expected to be further advanced.

To support the smooth operation of the power station, the State Grid's Wuzhong Power Supply Co said it built a new 110 kV transmission line in advance and provides the power station with high-quality services in all respects.

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