
Network security education boosted by State Grid's efforts

2024-08-30 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Staff members from the State Grid Turpan Power Supply Company post network security publicity slogans. (Photo provided to

On Thursday, State Grid Turpan Power Supply Company in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region launched a network security publicity campaign at the Ayding Lake Power Supply Station to teach the public about common methods of online fraud, the importance of personal information protection, office network security precautions, and more. During the event, staff members were educated on network security knowledge through videos, explanations of laws and regulations such as The Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China and some company regulations like the Regulations on Network and Information System Security Management.

"Do not easily click on unfamiliar links or files. We should enhance awareness of network security risks and regularly conduct network security self-checks on computer terminals," said a staff member from the company.

To further enhance staff members' ability to respond to network security incidents, the information professionals from State Grid Turpan Power Supply Company provided detailed explanations on topics such as unauthorized external connections, virus handling, ransomware, common fault identification and handling methods.

Additionally, the company's information professionals conducted a comprehensive inspection of equipment in the office by checking a total of 50 network devices and 1,500 terminal devices, identifying and addressing three system vulnerabilities, five basic infrastructure issues such as server room's air conditioning, affixing 100 anti-unauthorized external connection labels on office terminal devices and discovering 12 additional vulnerabilities. They also promptly addressed identified vulnerabilities, recorded unresolved issues, and formulated corrective measures and deadlines.

An information professional from the company explains the network security manual to service personnel at the business hall. (Photo provided to

The campaign also provided network security posters and manuals, which were displayed and distributed at external service windows in power supply stations and business halls. The network security awareness campaign not only enhanced staff members' risk awareness but also encouraged them to remain vigilant and avoid visiting any unfamiliar links and unclear sources. They were informed to refrain from visiting untrustworthy websites, downloading software from unknown sources, and conducting sensitive operations in unsafe network environments.

As of now, State Grid Turpan Power Supply Company has conducted network security training 15 times for more than 700 individuals and organized thematic promotional activities 20 times for more than 600 individuals.

In the next phase, State Grid Turpan Power Supply Company said it will continue to strengthen the foundation of network security, enhance the network security protection system, further raise awareness of network security protection among all staff members, and foster a better atmosphere of shared responsibility for a healthy and civilized network environment. This effort aims to provide robust network security support for the construction of a new power supply system and the digital transformation of the company.


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