
International investment and trade fair opens in Xiamen

2024-09-09 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The 24th China International Fair for Investment and Trade kicks off in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province, on Sunday. (By Hu Meidong/China Daily)

The 24th China International Fair for Investment and Trade kicked off in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province, on Sunday.

Under the theme "Investment Connecting the World", the four-day event has attracted participants from 119 countries and regions, among which about 80 percent are from nations involved in the Belt and Road Initiative.

Covering a total area of 120,000 square meters, this year's CIFIT emphasizes internationalization and aims to give great impetus to the "Invest in China" brand. It will also strive to embody the China-proposed Global Development Initiative in line with high-quality Belt and Road Initiative cooperation, said the organizers.

The investment promotion pavilion will feature exhibits from 70 countries, regions and international organizations, China's 31 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, as well as eight key investment cities.

Project roadshows and matchmaking activities will be held to showcase opportunities arising from China's modernization and market expansion.

To showcase industrial innovation, the fair has set up a dedicated 47,000-square-meter pavilion to display regional investment cooperation achievements, new technologies and products in industrial innovation development, strategic emerging industries, and future industry development trends.

Leveraging AI and digital technologies, the fair will provide intelligent guidance and advisory services to exhibitors and visitors, the organizers said.

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