
China's two-way investment a global positive

2024-09-09 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's attractiveness in opening-up and cooperation is strengthening, and the two-way investment is realizing new development, Xinhua News Agency reported, quoting a report released during the International Investment Forum 2024 on Sunday.

Faced with complex and severe challenges, as well as declines in global cross-border investment, China has been putting more efforts into attracting and utilizing foreign capital, the report said.

Last year, China became the second-largest recipient of foreign direct investment in the world. In terms of outbound direct investment, the country stood out as the third place globally.

China's two-way investment brings mutual benefit and is a win-win for the world, said Luo Yuze, deputy director of the Foreign Economic Research Department under the Development Research Centre of the State Council.

It has not only injected more certainty and new growth drivers for the global economy, but also enhanced the host country's development capacity, Luo added.

As per the report, global FDI embraces five opportunities: sustainable investment, digital transformation, emerging markets, regional cooperation, resilience and innovation.

The International Investment Forum 2024 is a major event of the 24th China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT). Under the theme "Investment Connecting the World", this year's CIFIT covers around 120,000 square meters and draws visitors from 119 countries and regions.


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