
China to boost utilization of public data resources

2024-10-10 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China has issued a guideline on accelerating the utilization of public data resources as part of its broader push to fully unleash the value of public data elements and bolster the country's high-quality development.

According to a guideline jointly released by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council on Wednesday, the country will take solid steps to expand the supply of public data resources, promote the opening of public data in an orderly manner, as well as encourage and explore the authorization and operation of public data.

By 2025, the regulations and mechanisms for the utilization of public data resources will be initially established, the quantity and quality of data resources will be significantly improved, and a number of data elements enterprises will be cultivated, according to the plan.

By 2030, the system concerning the utilization of public data resources will be established comprehensively, while the circulation and use of data will be compliant and efficient, said the plan.

Efforts will also be made to regulate the authorization and operation of public data, enrich the application scenarios of data resources, promote the healthy development of data industry, and enhance data security and personal information protection, the plan added.

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