
Green action plan for BREP members

2024-10-25 10:25:57China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A view of a Chinese-invested power project in South Africa. (CHINA DAILY)

Energy ministers from across the world spoke highly of China's role in promoting global energy transition and helping developing countries access more affordable clean energies at the Third Belt and Road Energy Ministerial Conference which concluded on Thursday in Qingdao, Shandong province.

"Creative cooperation with China and initiatives like the Belt and Road Energy Partnership will help us boost our drive toward energy transition across the world," said Phiona Nyamutoro, minister of state for mineral development in Uganda. "We hope that we get to tap into many opportunities from China, like technological transfer, research and also green financing."

BREP was initiated by China's National Energy Administration and currently has 34 members. It supports countries in formulating more ambitious green energy development plans based on their own energy endowments and development needs, to continuously enhance the reliability and resilience of green energy supplies.

Iran became a new member this year and in an interview with China Daily, Iranian Minister of Energy Abbas Aliabadi expressed expectations for BREP to have a positive impact on global energy cooperation and promote global development through innovative approaches.

"Such a collaborative platform to promote cooperation among different countries is beneficial to all parties. I am very pleased with initiatives like those from China, where different countries can raise their issues on this platform and work together to address them," he said. "China serves as a great example in energy transition, with significant developments in renewable energy that have made substantial contributions to global carbon reduction efforts."

Keo Rottanak, Cambodia's minister of mines and energy, said "Cambodia and China have forged a very strong bilateral relationship, especially through the Belt and Road Initiative which has given benefits to countries around the world, especially developing countries."

The Belt and Road Green Energy Cooperation Action Plan (2024-29), released on Wednesday at the conference, advocated that BREP members will carry out no less than five joint research and development projects and no less than five collaborations in areas such as hydrogen energy, new types of energy storage, advanced nuclear power, carbon capture, utilization and storage.

In the next five years, BREP members will carry out no less than 25 capacity-building projects in the energy sector, and explore the establishment of an international cooperative research platform for clean energy, the action plan noted.

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