
China's largest single-unit coal subsidence PV base begins operation

2024-11-07 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's largest single-unit coal subsidence photovoltaic (PV) base, with a capacity of 3 GW, has begun operations in Otog Front Banner in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region after 14 months of construction.

Developed by CHN Energy Investment Group (CHN Energy), the solar power station will be delivering renewable energy from the west to eastern provinces like Shandong, CHN Energy said.

With a total investment of around 12 billion yuan ($1.6 billion), the solar power station houses over 5.9 million solar panels and is expected to produce 5.7 billion kWh annually and supply green energy to meet the yearly needs of 2 million households in Shandong, bolstering economic growth in China's coastal areas and generating significant environmental and economic benefits, it said.

Leveraging the Inner Mongolia autonomous region's renewable resources, the project integrates eco-friendly strategies, utilizing barren lands for dual-use "solar + agriculture" initiatives.

Under-panel planting of forage and drought-resistant vegetation offers livestock feed, fostering a sustainable model that aligns with local ecological restoration goals. Additionally, anti-desert plants grown beneath panels can be used as biomass fuel, supporting lower-carbon electricity generation, said the company.

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