Shougang ski ramp in Beijing will make its debut at Air & Style World Cup to be held from Dec. 12 to 14. (Photo/China News Service)
(ECNS) -- Shougang ski ramp, a winter Olympics platform in Beijing, will make its debut at Air & Style World Cup to be held from Dec. 12 to 14.
It will be the world's first permanent ski ramp with more than 6,000 spectator seats. Its highest point is 60 meters, total length 164 meters, and steepest slope about 38 degrees.
Liu Shuang, in charge of snowmaking, said the area is covered in hard ice, set to remain long after competitions and improve performance.
Water, salt or dry ice will also be used in accordance with specific conditions.
After the winter Olympics, the Shougang ski ramp will be converted into a venue for freestyle aerials and national team training.