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China's first 100 kW ultra-high power laser put into use

2021-12-13 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download
Photo shows the 100 kW industrial fiber laser mainframe. (Photo/China News Service)
Photo shows the 100 kW industrial-fiber laser mainframe. (Photo/China News Service)

(ECNS) -- China's first 100 kW ultra-high power laser was officially put into use Friday in Hengyang City, Hunan Province.

Jointly developed by Nanhua University and Rayco Laser, it is the highest power industrial-fiber laser in China and the second-highest power industrial laser in the world.

Compared with a traditional laser, the 100 kW ultra-high power laser has a more compact structure and is available at any time. It also has higher electrical and optical conversion efficiency, as well as lower energy consumption and better beam quality.

Its flexible laser output mode allows it to be easily integrated with system equipment.

Nanhua University has made many breakthroughs in the research and development of the laser, said Han Lianghua, a senior engineer at the university.

The laser, known as the sharpest knife, can be used to weld, cut, and decontaminate. The 100 kW laser can be used for welding nuclear pipelines, dismantling nuclear facilities in a radioactive environment, surface decontamination of nuclear contaminated components, and glass solidification of high-discharge waste liquid, said Han.


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