
Chinese research team develops skiing robot

2022-01-18 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download
Photo shows the skiing robot developed by Shanghai Jiaotong University. (Screenshot from The Paper)
Photo shows the skiing robot developed by Shanghai Jiaotong University. (Screenshot from The Paper)

(ECNS) -- A six-foot skiing robot independently developed by Shanghai Jiaotong University has passed a series of control ability, intelligent recognition, route panning, and decision-making tests on primary and intermediate tracks, alongside human skiers, the University said on Monday.

During testing, the robot skied along a 400-meterinter mediate track with a slope of 18 degrees at a speed of over 10m/s. Using technologies like intelligent recognition and braking control, it passed tests related to speed, turning, stability, route planning, obstacle avoidance and human-robot interaction. It can safely pass between human skiers through wireless remote human-robot interaction technology.

According to the research team, relying on advanced technologies like 5G and WIFI, robot skiing competitions will be possible through remote control.

Robots will also become important participants in ice and snow sports in the future. They will conduct patrol and rescue tasks to create a more comfortable and safer ice and snow experience for humans.


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