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Comicomment: Japan's discharge plan deprives peace of Pacific Ocean

2023-03-24 Editor : Gu Liping ECNS App Download



(ECNS)--According to reports, some devices related to the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant were activated last week, indicating that the Japanese government still intends to push ahead with its contaminated wastewater discharge plan.

Chinese FM spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Monday that according to a poll in Japan, over 90 percent of respondents believe that this move will lead to negative consequences. In addition to China, the ROK, Russia, the DPRK and the Pacific Island countries, more and more countries and international organizations have voiced concerns about the discharge of the nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean.

Despite international concern and public opinion at home, the Japanese government has turned a deaf ear and proceeded with its decision, which poses a serious threat to the safety of the global marine ecological environment, as well as to the health and lives of people around the world. Suh Kune-yull, a professor emeritus of Nuclear Energy System Engineering at Seoul National University, has said in an interview that Japan could have chosen a better option, yet it has insisted on discharging the water into the ocean. This is tantamount to launching a terrorist attack against the Pacific Ocean, depriving it of the peace it enjoys.  


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