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Afghanistan After Action Review report lacks true review and reflection: Chinese FM spokesperson

2023-07-06 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Issues that truly call for review and reflection of the U.S. were not touched upon in the After Action Review on Afghanistan, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated at a press conference on Wednesday.

Wang made the remarks in response to a report released by the U.S. State Department on June 30 regarding the U.S. government's withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in 2021.

U.S. operation has faced sharp criticism due to insufficient preparations for crisis management and the ensuing chaos.

Wang expressed his regret that the report would not serve as a responsible explanation to the world, as it failed to address the critical issues requiring introspection and merely scratched the surface.

He emphasized the need to address pressing concerns, such as the use of force against a sovereign country in violation of international law, interference in other country's internal affairs under the pretext of democracy, the selective counter-terrorism campaign which led to more rampant terrorist activities, huge casualties of innocent civilians, and harm to peace and stability in the region.

Wang added that the U.S. needs to take concrete actions to avoid a repetition of the tragedy of Afghanistan. Such efforts include returning the Afghan central bank assets to the Afghan people, lifting unilateral sanctions against Afghanistan, fundamentally abandoning the policy of abuse of force and correcting its acts of blatant invasion of other countries and interference in their internal affairs.


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