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Giant panda Fuhin re-appointed as traffic safety ambassador in Japan

2023-07-11 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Two-year-old giant panda Fuhin (Feng Bang in Chinese) at the Adventure World, a theme park in Shirahama, Japan, was re-appointed by Wakayama Prefecture police as "Traffic Safety Ambassador" for a one-year term, Kyodo News reported on Monday.

Fuhin will collaborate with Japanese police to carry out traffic safety-related promotional activities.

Local traffic authorities issued an appointment certificate for Fuhin at the appointment ceremony and presented it with a pedestrian crossing made of bamboo.

"We are looking forward to promoting traffic safety awareness across Japan through Fuhin," said an official in charge of the traffic department of Wakayama Prefecture.

The female giant panda was born at the Adventure World in November 2020. Her parents are giant pandas Eimei (Yong Ming in Chinese) and Yoshihama (Liang Bang in Chinese).

She is the first giant panda cub delivered independently by Japanese staff and was initially appointed as "Traffic Safety Ambassador" in July 2022.


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