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President Xi Jinping meets with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

2023-07-20 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

On July 20, President Xi Jinping met with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

President Xi noted that Dr. Kissinger has recently celebrated his 100th birthday and has paid more than 100 visits to China over the years. These two 100s give this visit special significance. Fifty-two years ago, when China and the United States were at a crucial inflection point, Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai and President Richard Nixon and Dr. Kissinger, with their extraordinary strategic vision, made the right decision for China-U.S. cooperation and launched the process of normalizing the China-U.S. relationship. The decision delivered benefits to the two countries and changed the world. The Chinese people value friendship. They never forget their old friend, nor your historic contributions to promoting the growth of China-U.S. relations and enhancing friendship between the two peoples.

President Xi emphasized that the world is undergoing momentous transformations unseen in a century and the international landscape is going through major shifts. China and the United States have once again come to a crossroads, which requires another decision by the two sides about where to go from here. Looking ahead, China and the United States can help each other succeed and prosper together. The key is to follow the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. China is ready, on this basis, to explore with the United States the right way for the two countries to get along and take their relations steadily forward, which will be good for both sides and deliver benefits to the world. President Xi expressed the hope that Dr. Kissinger and other people of foresight in the United States could continue to play a constructive role in restoring China-U.S. relations to the right track.

Dr. Kissinger expressed appreciation to President Xi for meeting him at Villa 5 of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, the venue where he had met Chinese leaders during his first visit to China. He stressed that the U.S.-China relationship is essential to peace and prosperity of the two countries and the wider world. Under the current circumstances, it is imperative to maintain the principles established by the Shanghai Communiqué, appreciate the utmost importance China attaches to the one-China principle, and move the relationship in a positive direction. Dr. Kissinger expressed his commitment to making continuous efforts to facilitate mutual understanding between American and Chinese peoples.

Wang Yi participated in the meeting.


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