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Over 300 enterprises confirm participation in first China International Supply Chain Expo

2023-08-21 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Over 300 well-known Chinese and foreign enterprises from 50 countries and regions have confirmed their participation in the first China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE), according to an event marking the 100-day countdown to the expo, which was held in Beijing on Sunday.

With the theme of Connecting the World for a Shared Future, the CISCE will be held from November 28 to December 2 in Beijing, covering about 100,000 square meters.

Five major supply chains -- intelligent vehicle, green agriculture, clean energy, digital technology, and healthy life -- will be the focus at the expo.

It is an open international platform which integrates the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors, connects small, medium, and large enterprises, and promotes collaboration between industry, academia, research, and facilitates interactions between Chinese and foreign enterprises.

Relevant institutions from many countries have stated that they will organize high-level purchasing teams to participate in the exhibition.

The expo is expected to attract over 100,000 buyers and visitors.


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