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Vietnamese student in China: 'It's more beautiful here than I imagined'

2023-12-07 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- A Vietnamese girl, who is currently studying Tourism Management at Jilin International Students University, has expressed her growing love for China after spending nearly three years in the country. "It's more beautiful here than I imagined," she remarked in Chinese. 

Ruan Shifang (her Chinese name) became captivated by China's picturesque landscapes and rich cultural heritage as she listened to her teachers narrate stories about the country in her hometown. and seized an opportunity to study in China. 

Vietnamese girl Ruan Shifang (R), who is currently studying Tourism Management at Jilin International Students University, wrote two Chinese characters that mean "Friendship". (Photo/China News Service)
Vietnamese girl Ruan Shifang (R), who is currently studying Tourism Management at Jilin International Students University, wrote two Chinese characters that mean "Friendship". (Photo/China News Service)

She made a "Tour of China" plan, utilizing every holiday and spare moment. 

Starting from Jilin and traveling through Beijing, Shanghai, Shaanxi, Henan, Guangxi, and more, Ruan found her love for China deepening with each new destination.

Recalling her visit to the terracotta warriors in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, she expressed profound awe. "They are not just artworks; they represent the profound and ancient history of this civilized nation," she said.

With only one more year until her graduation, she plans to seize the time left in China to capture more natural and cultural scenes. She hopes to share these experiences with her friends after returning to her hometown. 

To document her experiences in China, she created a social media account on a short video platform, sharing moments from her daily life, captured landscapes and delightful cuisines. She expressed, "I want to show the real China to more people." 

She said that her account has garnered considerable attention, drawing followers from different countries who frequently engage with her content. They often express amazement at the rapid pace of China's economic and social development.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the "Belt and Road Initiative." As an international student in China, she looks forward to further strengthening the friendship between Vietnam and China. She confidently wrote the word "friendship" when practicing calligraphy.


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