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Xinjiang's green electricity trading hits new high

2024-03-05 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Green electricity trading in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region reached a record high this year, according to Xinjiang Power Trading Center on Tuesday.

A total of 650 million kilowatt hours of green electricity were transmitted during the first two months, 1.5 times that of the annual trading value in 2023, accounting for 65 percent of the task value of green electricity trading in 2024.

Xinjiang is rich in wind and solar power resources, laying a solid foundation for building a green power market. Trade of green power in the region has reached 1.09 billion kilowatt-hour since the establishment of the green certificate system in 2022.

Xinjiang-based companies have purchased a total of 2.77 million green certificates, and the new energy power generation enterprises here have sold 1.28 million green certificates since 2022.

The region will continue to promote the consumption of green electricity and trading of green certificates, accelerate construction of the green electricity market, and help the green and low-carbon energy transition, according to the center.


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