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Kinmen receives first mainland tour group in four years

2024-09-23 Editor : Gong Weiwei ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- A Chinese tour group of over 20 people hailing from Xiamen, Fujian Province, arrived at Taiwan-administered Kinmen and Matsu islands on Sunday on a two-day, one-night sightseeing itinerary.

On the first day, they visited popular attractions such as Shuitou Village; on the second day, they explored Mingyi Old Street, with their return to Xiamen anticipated for Monday afternoon, according to Taiwan media.

The tourism department of Kinmen said in a press release that it hopes the first tour group would share its beauty with their family and friends after returning to Xiamen, encouraging more mainland tourists to visit the island while fostering the growth of local tourism and industries.

Shortly after a visty by Xiamen Tourism Association, Kinmen welcomed the first official Xiamen tour group, according to the tourism department.

Chen Yu-jen, a Kinmen legislator, called on Democratic Progressive Party authorities to lift the ban on group tours for Taiwanese citizens traveling to the mainland as soon as possible.

From Sept. 18 to 20, a delegation from the Xiamen Tourism Association conducted inspections and tourism exchanges in Kinmen.

On Aug. 30, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the decision to allow residents of Fujian Province to resume travel to Kinmen.

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