Ecns wire

15 involved in Wuxi hospital medical insurance fraud taken into custody

2024-09-24 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- A total of 15 individuals involved in a health care fraud in Wuxi Hongqiao Hospital, including the legal representative and president, were taken into custody by police on Monday, local authorities reported on Tuesday.

The Wuxi Healthcare Security Bureau, in collaboration with the police, health commission, and other departments, launched a comprehensive investigation into the hospital for suspected health care fraud, confirming the crime, the bureau said in an official statement released on Tuesday.

The hospital has been removed from the list of health insurance-designated hospitals, and local police has filed a criminal case against it on Sunday, the statement added, whereby the private hospital is also now out of business.

According to Zhu Chenggang, a doctor from the radiology and imaging department of this hospital, said there are some medical records of patients who have never had imaging tests in the department. These medical records were “diagnosis based on the imaging“, casting concern from the doctor that these medical records had been altered several times to attempt to commit medical insurance fraud through falsification.


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