CNS: Greece and China are both representatives of ancient civilizations. What is the role of the exchanges in the field of the Classics in promoting mutual understanding and mutual learning among different civilizations?
Georgios Steiris: It is worth noting that a Byzantine scholar of the 11th to 12th century, Symeon Seth, claimed in one of his texts that the Chinese are Greeks. Although he meant that the Chinese were not Christians, his wording is the first known reference that connects Greeks and Chinese.
Greece and China are privileged to have two of the oldest and richest civilizations on the planet, rooted in several common values and approaches. Both cultures emphasize virtue and excellence, alongside a commitment to justice and humanism. However, beyond these similarities, they also offer valuable lessons through their differences—particularly in how our ancestors perceived and addressed similar challenges. Most importantly, we can draw inspiration from the fundamental principles and values that have distinguished these two cultures, which serve as universal and timeless symbols.
Edited by Wang Zonghan