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Chinnese modernization offers insights for Latin America's development: Argentine scholar

2024-11-24 / CGTN Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- China's development has brought new opportunities for the economic growth of Latin America, and the relevant experience and practices of Chinese modernization have strong reference value for Argentina's economic and social development, said an Argentine scholar at a leture on Tuhrsday.

The lecture, themed "Chinese modernization," was jointly held by the National High-end Think Tank of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, according to CGTN. 

It aims to help Argentina deepen its understanding of China and promote academic exchanges and cooperation between Argentina and China.

Ana Josefina Arias, dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires, spoke highly of the significant impact of Chinese modernization.

She said she hopes Argentina could find its own path through Chinese modernization, and look forward to seeing more joint research and academic cooperation between China and Latin America.

Understanding Chinese modernization is the kety to understanding China, said Zhang Guanzi, secretary general of the National Council of High-end Think Tank of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

After decades of exploration and efforts, socialist China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, has successfully blazed a new path of Chinese modernization and made brilliant achievements in the cause of Chinese modernization, Zhang said.



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