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Apple cannot do what it does without Chinese partners: Tim Cook

2024-11-25 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Apple values Chinese partners very highly, said Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, at the 2nd China International Supply Chain Expo, which will be held from Tuesday to Saturday in Beijing.

This is the third time that Cook has been to China this year. “I’m so proud that Apple has an exhibit here with our partners,” he said.

When referring to the evaluation of Chinese partners, Cook said he value them highly. “We cannot do what we do without them,” he said.

At the stand of Apple, a display board reads “More than 80 percent of Apple's 200 major suppliers are based in China.”

The expo will focus on promoting international cooperation in industrial and supply chains. It aims to connect upstream, midstream and downstream sectors, bring together enterprises of various sizes, and help companies better integrate into global industrial and supply chains, said Zhang Shaogang, deputy director of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, at a press conference.


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