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Expert warns of personal data leak from iris photography

2024-12-12 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Iris photography, a rising trend among young people in China, may expose individuals to the risk of personal information leaks and exploitation for illegal purposes, experts warned.

Iris photography uses specialized cameras to focus on the intricate patterns, colors, and textures within the iris to get detailed images within the iris.

Professor Xu Ming from the College of Cyber Security at Hangzhou Dianzi University said the intricate texture features of the iris contain unique personal data of significance comparable to fingerprints.

Although iris photography differs from iris biometric authentication in its technical principles, malicious actors could use high-resolution iris images to compromise biometric systems, Xu explained. He urged users to minimize sharing iris photographs publicly whenever possible.

Shao Bin, a lawyer, said the business owners who use it to earn illegal money involves infringing on personal information.

A contract should be signed before taking photos of the iris to get the consent from the photographed to avoid disputes, and business owners should promise that these photos won’t be used for other purposes, Shao advised.

Dr Yu Pingping, ophthalmology director at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, explains that iris photography, commonly used in medical settings, generally poses no harm to the eyes. However, exposure to intense light during capture could potentially harm the retina.

She recommends users to limit exposure to strong light and ruduce the frequency of photography sessions.

Patients with conditions such as keratitis, retinal diseases, or recent eye surgeries are advised against undergoing iris photography, said Han Wei, deputy director of the Ophthalmology Center at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine.


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