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China aims to establish comprehensive elderly care system by 2035

2025-01-08 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- China announced on Tuesday its plan to establish an initial elderly care network by 2029 and expand it to cover the entire elderly population by 2035. The initiative seeks to address the urgent challenges posed by an aging of population.

According to a document released on the same day, which focuses on deepening reform of elderly care services, the nursing system for the elderly in the country will be fully developed by 2035.

The document emphasizes the importance of strengthening basic elderly care services, particularly for the disabled seniors, and building a sustainable and universally accessible nursing system for both urban and rural areas.

Efforts will focus on accelerating the creation of a three-tiered elderly care system that spans urban and rural regions. This includes enhancing the care capacity for seniors at the county, township, and village levels, the document stressed.

In rural areas, the plan addresses significant gaps in elderly care by improving mechanisms for home visits, caregiving, and emergency rescue services for left-behind, incapacitated and disabled seniors, Additionally, the document highlights the need for more facilities and designated spaces in newly-built residential areas to better serve the elderly population.


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