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(W.E.Talk) How does international humanitarian work draw inspiration from Eastern cultures?(2)

2025-01-15 Editor : Xue Lingqiao ECNS App Download

CNS: In your recent research, what ideas in the Chinese cultural traditions are intrinsically compatible with the international concept of the humanity?

Kaushalya Karunasagara: The ICRC is only just embarking upon engagement with Chinese Traditions, but already it is clear that the principle of benevolence is a pillar of Chinese traditions of humanity. In another words, Benevolence is the act of kindness where we empathetically dispose to act with human heartedness.

If we explore further, we can see that there are two common rules related to all traditions to preserve Humanity. Even someone is not attached to a particular religion or follow any philosophy, these two rules could be observed considering ourselves as examples. We call them as "golden rule" and "silver rule".

"Golden rule" simply says treat others in the way you like to be treated by others. For an example, if you like equal and fair treatment, you may treat others in the same way. In "silver rule", it says do not treat others in the way you do not like to be treated. Putting it into an example, if you do not like to be tortured, do not do the same to another. When we pay attention to Chinese traditions, we can clearly see that these two rules are included in there as well which represent the essence of benevolence.

For an example, all of Confucius's moral teachings are also bound to serve humanity. Benevolence is one of them which is the foundational virtue that promotes a flourishing human community. It parallels with previously discussed golden rule and silver rule which are grounds of human dignity.

Also, there is a Chinese concept of the "Junzi", who is enriched with moral qualities to act and speak appropriately in any situation. In English translation, "Junzi" is a noble person or an exemplary person who is capable of acting virtuously regardless of any difficult circumstance. Hence, these virtues could be a model for parties to armed conflicts to limit the effects of war and other violence, for humanitarian reasons.


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