A train derailment near Alton, Iowa, United States is seen in this still image taken from a September 23, 2018 video. The accident demolished a bridge. About 20 cars carrying soybean oil and sand fell into the rain-swollen Floyd River. Authorities say no one was injured. (Photo/Agencies)

A train derailment near Alton, Iowa, United States is seen in this still image taken from a September 23, 2018 video. The accident demolished a bridge. About 20 cars carrying soybean oil and sand fell into the rain-swollen Floyd River. Authorities say no one was injured. (Photo/Agencies)

A train derailment near Alton, Iowa, United States is seen in this still image taken from a September 23, 2018 video. The accident demolished a bridge. About 20 cars carrying soybean oil and sand fell into the rain-swollen Floyd River. Authorities say no one was injured. (Photo/Agencies)