More than 85 well-preserved dinosaur footprints - made by at least seven different species - have been uncovered by University of Cambridge researchers during the past four winters following coastal erosion along the cliffs near Hastings, representing the most diverse and detailed collection of these trace fossils from the Cretaceous Period found in the UK to date. They range in size from less than 2 cm to more than 60 cm across, and are so well-preserved that even the skin, scales and claws are easily visible. (Photo/VCG)

More than 85 well-preserved dinosaur footprints - made by at least seven different species - have been uncovered by University of Cambridge researchers during the past four winters following coastal erosion along the cliffs near Hastings, representing the most diverse and detailed collection of these trace fossils from the Cretaceous Period found in the UK to date. They range in size from less than 2 cm to more than 60 cm across, and are so well-preserved that even the skin, scales and claws are easily visible. (Photo/VCG)

More than 85 well-preserved dinosaur footprints - made by at least seven different species - have been uncovered by University of Cambridge researchers during the past four winters following coastal erosion along the cliffs near Hastings, representing the most diverse and detailed collection of these trace fossils from the Cretaceous Period found in the UK to date. They range in size from less than 2 cm to more than 60 cm across, and are so well-preserved that even the skin, scales and claws are easily visible. (Photo/VCG)