NASA released the Hubble image showing the "smoking gun of a newborn star," the Herbig-Haro objects numbered 7 to 11 (HH 7-11). The five objects are located in a reflection nebula full of gas and dust called NGC 1333. The nebula is around 1,000 light-years away from us, according to NASA's website. (Photo/NASA)

NASA released the Hubble image showing the "smoking gun of a newborn star," the Herbig-Haro objects numbered 7 to 11 (HH 7-11). The five objects are located in a reflection nebula full of gas and dust called NGC 1333. The nebula is around 1,000 light-years away from us, according to NASA's website. (Photo/NASA)

NASA released the Hubble image showing the "smoking gun of a newborn star," the Herbig-Haro objects numbered 7 to 11 (HH 7-11). The five objects are located in a reflection nebula full of gas and dust called NGC 1333. The nebula is around 1,000 light-years away from us, according to NASA's website. (Photo/NASA)