Italian chef Laura Carreraaura Carrera, 37, lowers meal she prepared for her friend with basket from her apartment balcony, practicing social distancing as the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, in Rome, Italy, March 30, 2020. Laura, who is now unemployed after Italy's lockdown,postponed her plans to open a Vietnamese restaurant amid the coronavirus outbreak.(Photo/Agencies)
Italian chef Laura Carrera, 37, prepares a basket to lower a meal she made for her friend in Rome, Italy, March 30, 2020.(Photo/Agencies)
Italian chef Laura Carrera, 37, prepares meal at home in Rome, Italy, March 30, 2020.(Photo/Agencies)
Italian chef Laura Carrera, 37, prepares meal at home in Rome, Italy, March 30, 2020.(Photo/Agencies)
Italian chef Laura Carrera, 37, reads a Vietnamese cookbook at home in Rome, Italy, March 30, 2020. (Photo/Agencies)