
France enters new phase of de-confinement(1/6)

2020-06-23 10:41:37 Editor :Li Yan

Minions toys are seen on cinema chairs to maintain social distancing between spectators at a MK2 cinema in Paris as Paris' cinemas reopen doors to the public following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in France, June 22, 2020. France entered a new phase of de-confinement on Monday with more measures to ease the coronavirus lockdown regarding schools and cinemas.(Photo/Agencies)

Minions toys are seen on cinema chairs to maintain social distancing between spectators at a MK2 cinema in Paris as Paris' cinemas reopen doors to the public following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in France, June 22, 2020. France entered a new phase of de-confinement on Monday with more measures to ease the coronavirus lockdown regarding schools and cinemas.(Photo/Agencies)

Minions toys are seen on cinema chairs to maintain social distancing between spectators at a MK2 cinema in Paris as Paris' cinemas reopen doors to the public following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in France, June 22, 2020. France entered a new phase of de-confinement on Monday with more measures to ease the coronavirus lockdown regarding schools and cinemas.(Photo/Agencies)

Minions toys are seen on cinema chairs to maintain social distancing between spectators at a MK2 cinema in Paris as Paris' cinemas reopen doors to the public following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in France, June 22, 2020. France entered a new phase of de-confinement on Monday with more measures to ease the coronavirus lockdown regarding schools and cinemas.(Photo/Agencies)

Photo taken on June 22, 2020 shows the Golden Room at the Paris Opera House. France enters phase 3 of lockdown. EU borders and all restaurants, cafes and bars opened on June 15 but from today, cinemas, sports halls, holiday parks and casinos can reopen too, meaning much of the French economy is back open for business. (Photo/China News Service)

Photo taken on June 23, 2020, shows the Opera House square in Paris, France. France enters phase 3 of lockdown. EU borders and all restaurants, cafes and bars opened on June 15 but from today, cinemas, sports halls, holiday parks and casinos can reopen too, meaning much of the French economy is back open for business. (Photo/China News Service)

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