
NYC Marathon returns with 33,000 runners after pandemic pause(1/3)

2021-11-08 11:19:22 Editor :Zhang Mingxin

Runners of the New York City Marathon pass through Queens, New York City during the race, Nov. 7, 2021. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Fan)

The 50th running of the New York City Marathon was held on Sunday morning following cancellation in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Touted as one of the largest marathon race in the world, this year’s field of the New York City Marathon is smaller by about 40 percent, down to 30,000 entrants from roughly 55,000 inyears past.

Runners of the New York City Marathon pass through Queens, New York City during the race, Nov. 7, 2021. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Fan)

Runners of the New York City Marathon pass through Queens, New York City during the race, Nov. 7, 2021. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Fan)

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