
Wooden boats in Bangladesh form floral patterns(1/3)

2021-11-09 14:26:10 Editor :Zhang Mingxin

This photo shows traditional wooden boats forming the shape of flowers on the water in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The boats were found on the Buriganga River and used to transport workers across from the water to get to work in the city. Photographer, Azim Khan Ronnie, 35, captured the amazing drone shots. He said: "The boats are not purposely docked in this way. The natural flow of the river forms these incredible patterns. (Photo/IC)

This photo shows traditional wooden boats forming the shape of flowers on the water in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The boats were found on the Buriganga River and used to transport workers across from the water to get to work in the city. Photographer, Azim Khan Ronnie, 35, captured the amazing drone shots. He said: "The boats are not purposely docked in this way. The natural flow of the river forms these incredible patterns. (Photo/IC)

This photo shows traditional wooden boats forming the shape of flowers on the water in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The boats were found on the Buriganga River and used to transport workers across from the water to get to work in the city. Photographer, Azim Khan Ronnie, 35, captured the amazing drone shots. He said: "The boats are not purposely docked in this way. The natural flow of the river forms these incredible patterns. (Photo/IC)

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