
1600 version of Mona Lisa copy to go under hammer in Paris auction(1/3)

2021-11-10 09:52:39 Editor :Zhang Mingxin

A visitor takes with his mobile phone a picture of the copy of Leonardo da Vinci's famous Mona Lisa, painted on a panel around 1600 and was displayed at the Artcurial auction house in Paris, France, Nov. 8, 2021. (Photo/Agencies)

Incredibly faithful to the original, this version, highlights the early fascination for Leonardo da Vinci and his work. The art work with an estimated value between 150,000 ? and 200,000 ? (US $ 93,750 to 125,000), is going on sale Tuesday.

The copy of Leonardo da Vinci's famous Mona Lisa, painted on a panel around 1600, is on display at the Artcurial auction house in Paris, France, Nov. 8, 2021. (Photo/Agencies)

A visitor takes a photo of a copy of the Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, which will go up for auction on Nov. 9, at the Artcurial auction house in Paris, France, Nov. 8, 2021. (Photo/Agencies)

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