
Yangtze River takes on new look in Jiangsu(1/10)

2021-11-15 16:31:34 Xinhua Editor :Xue Lingqiao

In recent years, Jiangsu Province in east China has promoted the restoration of the Yangtze River ecological environment with green development. Local authorities have dismantled illegal docks, shut down polluting enterprises and facilitated ecological wetlands on both sides of the river. Many years of tree planting and wetland protection along the river in Jiangsu have paid off. Now the Yangtze River in Jiangsu presents a new look featured by beautiful river beach wetlands and scenery. (Photo: Xinhua/YangLei)

In recent years, Jiangsu Province in east China has promoted the restoration of the Yangtze River ecological environment with green development. Local authorities have dismantled illegal docks, shut down polluting enterprises and facilitated ecological wetlands on both sides of the river. Many years of tree planting and wetland protection along the river in Jiangsu have paid off. Now the Yangtze River in Jiangsu presents a new look featured by beautiful river beach wetlands and scenery. (Photo: Xinhua/YangLei)

In recent years, Jiangsu Province in east China has promoted the restoration of the Yangtze River ecological environment with green development. Local authorities have dismantled illegal docks, shut down polluting enterprises and facilitated ecological wetlands on both sides of the river. Many years of tree planting and wetland protection along the river in Jiangsu have paid off. Now the Yangtze River in Jiangsu presents a new look featured by beautiful river beach wetlands and scenery. (Photo: Xinhua/YangLei)

In recent years, Jiangsu Province in east China has promoted the restoration of the Yangtze River ecological environment with green development. Local authorities have dismantled illegal docks, shut down polluting enterprises and facilitated ecological wetlands on both sides of the river. Many years of tree planting and wetland protection along the river in Jiangsu have paid off. Now the Yangtze River in Jiangsu presents a new look featured by beautiful river beach wetlands and scenery. (Photo: Xinhua/YangLei)

In recent years, Jiangsu Province in east China has promoted the restoration of the Yangtze River ecological environment with green development. Local authorities have dismantled illegal docks, shut down polluting enterprises and facilitated ecological wetlands on both sides of the river. Many years of tree planting and wetland protection along the river in Jiangsu have paid off. Now the Yangtze River in Jiangsu presents a new look featured by beautiful river beach wetlands and scenery. (Photo: Xinhua/YangLei)

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