
'Eco-garden' enlightens students in Shanghai(1/5)

2021-11-25 15:10:33 Xinhua Editor :Hao Yunhui

Photo taken on Nov. 24, 2021 shows Jinhua Middle School agronomy group working in their "rooftop eco-garden", as part of an anniversary exhibition of the project. The school, affiliated to East China Normal University in Shanghai, built the "eco-garden" on the rooftop of a 6-storey building a year ago. It has become invaluable for students developing practical agronomy skills during their extra-curricular hours. (Xinhua/Liu Ying)

Photo taken on Nov. 24, 2021 shows Jinhua Middle School agronomy group working in their "rooftop eco-garden", as part of an anniversary exhibition of the project. The school, affiliated to East China Normal University in Shanghai, built the "eco-garden" on the rooftop of a 6-storey building a year ago. It has become invaluable for students developing practical agronomy skills during their extra-curricular hours. (Xinhua/Liu Ying)

Photo taken on Nov. 24, 2021 shows Jinhua Middle School agronomy group working in their "rooftop eco-garden", as part of an anniversary exhibition of the project. The school, affiliated to East China Normal University in Shanghai, built the "eco-garden" on the rooftop of a 6-storey building a year ago. It has become invaluable for students developing practical agronomy skills during their extra-curricular hours. (Xinhua/Liu Ying)

Photo taken on Nov. 24, 2021 shows Jinhua Middle School agronomy group working in their "rooftop eco-garden", as part of an anniversary exhibition of the project. The school, affiliated to East China Normal University in Shanghai, built the "eco-garden" on the rooftop of a 6-storey building a year ago. It has become invaluable for students developing practical agronomy skills during their extra-curricular hours. (Xinhua/Liu Ying)

Photo taken on Nov. 24, 2021 shows Jinhua Middle School agronomy group working in their "rooftop eco-garden", as part of an anniversary exhibition of the project. The school, affiliated to East China Normal University in Shanghai, built the "eco-garden" on the rooftop of a 6-storey building a year ago. It has become invaluable for students developing practical agronomy skills during their extra-curricular hours. (Xinhua/Liu Ying)

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